Empowering your people with “real life” skills and micro-credentials

Human to Human Communication

Most people will now change jobs several times during their working lives. This may involve a complete career change - a ‘‘reinvention’’. New skills and knowledge are continually needed to adapt to the demands of employers, changing job types, and rapidly evolving technology.

Medical technology is saving a massive number of lives - but the need for effective human-to-human communication in health care can never be replaced. Recognition of this fundamental value is at the core of Focus Professional Development programs.

We add value to the qualifications of our clients and we enhance their capabilities by transferring our knowledge and experience to them.

Nell Armstrong

Registered Nurse (General), Bachelor Health Science (Nursing), TAE40116 Cert IV in Training and Assessment

  • Nell began her career as a Registered Nurse after training at the Alfred Hospital in Melbourne. She subsequently chose to work primarily within the aged and disability sectors and has held senior care and management positions.

    A growing recognition of the need for continuing quality training of frontline healthcare workers was the catalyst for her ultimate focus on education and training. Nell makes it her mission to transfer her extensive knowledge of healthcare by providing quality training in Australia and internationally through CPD courses and personalised consulting.

Robert Armstrong

MBA (International Business Law), Grad Dip Mgmt., TAE 40116 Cert IV in Workplace Training & Assessment

  • Robert's career first centred around international trade. This global exposure to trade, manufacturing, and development projects led to an early recognition of a growing mismatch between the content and skills focus delivered by some education and training institutions, versus the reality of the skills needs and employability demands of contemporary industry. The situation has been exacerbated by rapidly evolving technology – and resulting changes in job types. Globalization, skills shortages, and a massive increase in labour migration have been among other critical factors, leading to Robert becoming a strong advocate for an industry and employer driven approach to education and skills training.

    His career has involved spending long periods overseas – including extended periods living in China, Bangladesh and the Philippines. Hence his empathy, knowledge and expertise of employability and communication topics at the core of Focus Professional Development programs.


Why we care

After being separately introduced to the training world, Nell and Robert both quickly realized the importance of continuing professional development in our ever-changing world. Nowhere is this more important than in the healthcare sector. Not the least reason being that personal communication, and life skills will become even more important as technology continues to advance rapidly.

They also realized that as a team their passion and ability to transfer knowledge and skills can benefit the careers of other people – and those in their care.

Initial professional or vocational qualifications are vital, but they only represent the beginning of an essential ongoing upskilling process. This lifelong learning process must be dynamic, and must directly reflect the needs of employers and industry.

Values we share with our clients











A little more about us

Nell and Robert live on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia.

Nell and Robert are very community minded. Nell regularly volunteers with local charity organisations. Robert has been actively engaged overseas for many years, and works with communities in Bangladesh to organise basic skills training and initial employment for disadvantaged youth.

Nell and Robert prefer to maintain a low profile, and to take an action-based approach to their work.


Our partners


Green Education Group

Green Education Group provide the online platform for content delivery, online assessment and student administration that our programs are based upon.

Cameron Green , the group CEO, has been a very close associate for more than 10 years.



Sapcon BD Ltd

Sapcon have been long terms partners in Bangladesh for training and professional development activities.

This has included supporting a local NGO with skills training and entry-level job support for disadvantage youth.

They are also involved in training within the energy and aged care sectors.


Metro Global Search

Focus Professional Development provide human resources and recruitment support to Metro Global in overseas placement of Filipino professional and skilled trade workers. This includes face-to-face training and preparation prior to departure.

This close collaboration, of more than 10 years, now focuses on nurses and caregivers.


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