Carer Professional Development Course

Upskill your staff

For carers in Aged Care, Disability Care, Home and Community Care

Are your volunteers up to date with required skills?

Our courses will give your volunteers the skills and knowledge they require to deliver best practice care to ensure safety, and to enhance the reputation of your organisation.

Volunteers are an integral part of any care team, whether it be in residential, home, or community care. In Australia volunteer training requirements are detailed within the Aged Care Volunteer Scheme National Guidelines. Clause 3.6.9 p.13 of the Guidelines details training requirements. Similar regulations and guidelines exist in the UK.


‘Upskill in Healthcare’

Course description

Upskill in Healthcare is a 12 module CPD Course developed by Focus Professional Development to introduce, enhance and refresh the skills of carers.

It takes a practical approach based on the extensive professional experience of the course developers working in healthcare and training. As such, the course is also a valuable pre-cursor for those intending to complete further accredited courses, in order to meet mandatory requirements to gain first time employment in healthcare. This applies especially to overseas based candidates who may have a goal of qualifying to work in the UK, Australia or Canada.

The course goes beyond discussing practical tasks and focuses on the ‘How’ ‘What’ and ‘Why’ aspects of providing respectful, dignified and safe care.


Continuing Professional Development non-accredited (micro-credential)


Self-paced learning

12 modules

Can be purchased individually

12 hours

Including assessment time

Course modules


Communication in the Workplace

This first core module forms the foundation that will underlay all our other skills, topics and presentations that combine to become the keys to working effectively within the healthcare system. Communication is a skill and we discuss key elements that will explain what communication is, why we communicate and how we communicate.

Start module


Barriers to Communication

This second core module recognises that there are barriers to effective communication that will be of particular importance within healthcare environments. This module identifies and describes potential barriers, and details methods of recognising and overcoming them.

Start module


Understanding Your Role

All those working within the healthcare sector must understand their role and its relationship to others, in order to interact safely and respectfully with clients and to work effectively and positively within a team.

Start module


Diversity, Access and Inclusion

This module will refresh your understanding of Diversity, Access and Inclusion focused on your involvement within a healthcare workplace. You will gain new insights and knowledge, and will learn from the examples and experiences of others. It raises a number of reflective questions and considers this topic within the context of globalisation, global cultural diversity and multicultural workforces.

Start module


Building Relationships

Your first contact with an individual, whether it be a client or a colleague will shape the future relationship. Your role is to create an environment where individuals feel their needs are being heard and understood. We will discuss details of how this can be achieved including respecting boundaries, and how interactions may be considered by others to be acceptable or unacceptable behaviour.

Start module


Privacy and Dignity

Privacy and Dignity are at the heart of ensuring that care is provided in a dignified and respectful way. This module examines vital skills that need to be practised by Carers and all those involved in delivering care services.

Start module


Person-Centred Care

You will gain new insights and will understand the significant difference between person-centred care and task oriented care. This module will recognise the pressures that may be placed on you to get tasks completed, versus the need to prioritise the people you are caring for.

Start module


Choice, Independence and Decision Making

All people being supported and cared for in a healthcare environment must be able to make choices and decisions about their own needs and wishes without the influence of others. As a result people will feel empowered as individuals and have a sense of independence over their lives. This module details why choice is important, what is independence and what is decision making.

Start module


Safety Awareness

Safety Awareness within healthcare workplaces involves far more than just physical hazards and accidents. You will learn how to identify unsafe situations and possible risks of harm to people within the context of your responsibility to maintain a safe work environment for your clients and colleagues. Duty of care and legal obligations will be discussed.

Start module


Report Writing and Handling of Information

Report writing and handling of information are vital requirements of those working in every healthcare situation. In this module you will gain a clear understanding of the purpose and implications of report writing in the healthcare workplace. You will better understand legislative requirements and the need for privacy and confidentiality.

Start module


Food Hygiene, Nutrition and Hydration

Ensuring adequate nutrition and supporting high quality mealtime experiences for those in care are a primary responsibility of healthcare staff. Aspects that will be discussed include the need to respect specific dietary needs, the maintenance of routines, and challenges that may be faced by staff.

Start module


Understanding Mental Health Issues

In this module you will gain an overview of mental health issues that may affect people in your care. You will understand the differing needs of people with mental health problems, and the importance of promoting positive health and well being of all individuals in your care.

Start module

How our course helps your staff

It increases their positive impact

The primary course objective is to enable healthcare staff to contribute more positively to the lives of people in their care.

It makes them better communicators

Participants will learn new communication skills and will be able to recognize communication barriers and how to avoid them when communicating with clients, colleagues and others.

It teaches them how to be more productive

They will gain new knowledge and skills that will equip them to contribute to a more productive working environment, and improved working relationships.

It gives them a better understanding of their role

After completion of all modules, participants will have gained a holistic understanding and an enhanced perspective of their roles.

Our programs are designed with your staff in mind


Instant access

Purchase your staff's modules and give them access instantly through the Green Education platform. Not ready just yet? The modules stay available for up to 12 months.

User-friendly platform

With your staff's experience in mind, we have chosen an intuitive elearning platform and have made our materials as easy to navigate as possible.

Direct email support

If you or your staff have any question during the training, send us an email and we will get back to you promptly. We are here to support our students in their learning journey.

Certificates issued

A Certificate of Attainment will be issued as each module is completed. A Certificate of Completion will also be issued to all students completing the full course. Certificates may be branded with the name and details of your organisation.

Take a step to better care today